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List Of 100,000 Passwords Known To Hackers Released

The password list was created using breached usernames and passwords collected on Have I Been Pwned, a website by security expert Troy Hunt which allows users to check if their email address appears in major data breaches.

This is a list of data breaches, using data compiled from various sources, including press reports, government news releases, and mainstream news articles. The list includes those involving the theft or compromise of 30,000 or more records, although many smaller breaches occur continually. Breaches of large organizations where the number of records is still unknown are also listed. In addition, the various methods used in the breaches are listed, with hacking being the most common.

List of 100,000 Passwords Known to Hackers Released

The E-Sports Entertainment Association said in a statement on Monday that after it refused to pay a $100,000 ransom, hackers released the data of many of its users, including names, email addresses, gaming IDs, hashed passwords, dates of birth and phone numbers.

The main point of concern is if hackers are able to access user accounts because hashed passwords were also leaked. The ESEA said it had encrypted all its user passwords with bcrypt, a cryptographic algorithm that greatly slows brute force methods of breaking into passwords. This means that instead of hackers being able to try hundreds, or even millions, of password combinations per second, they would be able to try just a few. That reduces the number of crack attempts, usually making it not worthwhile.

A password blacklist should contain all of the passwords that a hacker will use to gain access to a system, but how many is the right number? The answer should be as many as possible, but current advice is conflicting.

It is possible to prevent password spraying attacks, as well as credential stuffing, which is when stolen usernames and passwords are tested against other sites. The solution is to use protective monitoring and password blacklisting. The number of passwords in the blacklist that you should test against is open to debate.

Specops Software has been in the password business for more than 10 years. Securing active directory passwords is our area of expertise, guiding us when we launched our password blacklist service in 2018. We believe a password blacklist should be as comprehensive as possible, including leaked passwords in many different languages, passwords from obscure leaks, and even leetspeak variations of passwords. The blacklist should also be updated regularly to take into account new leaks. Specops Password Blacklist is a hosted service made up of more than one billion leaked passwords including the password list that Troy Hunt maintains, haveibeenpwned and the Collection #1 list.

I will explain the mathematical rationale for some standard advice, including clarifying why six characters are not enough for a good password and why you should never use only lowercase letters. I will also explain how hackers can uncover passwords even when stolen data sets lack them.

This practice poses a serious problem for security because it makes passwords vulnerable to so-called dictionary attacks. Lists of commonly used passwords have been collected and classified according to how frequently they are used. Attackers attempt to crack passwords by going through these lists systematically. This method works remarkably well because, in the absence of specific constraints, people naturally choose simple words, surnames, first names and short sentences, which considerably limits the possibilities. In other words, the nonrandom selection of passwords essentially reduces possibility space, which decreases the average number of attempts needed to uncover a password.

Below are the first 25 entries in one of these password dictionaries, listed in order, starting with the most common one. (I took the examples from a database of five million passwords that was leaked in 2017 and analyzed by SplashData.)

The reason is obvious: hackers could access the computer containing this list, either because the site is poorly protected or because the system or processor contains a serious flaw unknown to anyone except the attackers (a so-called zero-day flaw), who can exploit it.

Using such hash functions allows passwords to be securely stored on a computer. Instead of storing the list of paired usernames and passwords, the server stores only the list of username/fingerprint pairs.

For added safety, a method known as salting is sometimes used to further impede hackers from exploiting stolen lists of username/fingerprint pairs. Salting is the addition of a unique random string of characters to each password. It ensures that even if two users employ the same password, the stored fingerprints will differ. The list on the server will contain three components for each user: username, fingerprint derived after salt was added to the password, and the salt itself. When the server checks the password entered by a user, it adds the salt, computes the fingerprint and compares the result with its database.

A lot is known about passwords. Most are short, simple, and pretty easy to crack. But Much less is known about the psychological reasons a person chooses a specific password. Most experts recommend coming up with a strong password to avoid data breach. But why do so many internet users still prefer weak passwords?

Credential stuffing is an automated hacking technique that utilizes stolen credentials. These credentials are comprised of lists of usernames, email addresses, and passwords. The technique generally leverages automation to submit login requests directed against an application and to capture successful login attempts for future exploitation.

Social media sites regularly encourage people to share the name of their favorite pet or share details from their childhood. Brilliant mechanisms to help build the lists of predictive passwords used in attacks!

2. Discover and Onboard All Passwords: When granting access to a human, machine, application, employee, or vendor, all passwords must first be known--only then can they be onboarded and centrally vaulted.

When faced with a file full of hashed passwords, a brute force attack can be used, trying every combination of characters for a range of password lengths. This has become such common practice that there are websites that list common passwords alongside their (calculated) hashed value. You can simply search for the hash to reveal the corresponding password.

Whether you are logging on to your phone or computer, social media, or your bank account, there are dozens of places that require a password. NordPass, a proprietary password manager that allows you to store your passwords, has released its annual list of the 200 most common logins of the year.

An organization my friend works for was recently hacked, and the hackers published a file with over 100,000 names and passwords, including theirs. An IT person in the organization told me that the hackers seem to have found an encrypted file with logins and passwords in Active Directory (it's a Windows-based system) and were able to decrypt it.

It is possible to configure AD to store passwords using reversible encryption, which means that they could just be dumped out by anyone with the access listed above - but it's a pretty rare configuration (I've only seen it a handful of times).

Infosec company F-Secure analysed the known email addresses of more than 200 CEOs from top businesses across ten countries, comparing these details to leaked spam lists and account databases distributed by hackers.

Yahoo disclosed that a breach in August 2013 by a group of hackers had compromised 1 billion accounts. In this instance, security questions and answers were also compromised, increasing the risk of identity theft. The breach was first reported by Yahoo while in negotiations to sell itself to Verizon, on December 14, 2016. Yahoo forced all affected users to change passwords and to reenter any unencrypted security questions and answers to re-encrypt them.

In October 2016, hackers collected 20 years of data on six databases that included names, email addresses and passwords for The AdultFriendFinder Network. The FriendFinder Network includes websites like Adult Friend Finder,,,, and

In February 2018, the diet and exercise app MyFitnessPal (owned by Under Armour) suffered a data breach, exposing 144 million unique email addresses, IP addresses and login credentials such as usernames and passwords stored as SHA-1 and bcrypt hashes (the former for earlier accounts, the latter for newer accounts). In 2019, this sensitive data appeared listed for sale on a dark web marketplace and began circulating more broadly, so it was identified and provided to data security website Have I Been Pwned.

December 2018: Chinese hackers stole hundreds of gigabytes of data from computers of more than 45 technology companies and U.S. government agencies. The defendants also stole names, SSNs, DOBs, salary info, phone numbers, and email addresses of more than 100,000 U.S. Navy personnel.

The NCSC has also today published separate analysis of the 100,000 most commonly re-occurring passwords that have been accessed by third parties in global cyber breaches. An except from this is included below:

This includes using password blacklists (that is, making sure your users can't choose any passwords commonly found in data breaches), something that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) also recommend.

At one point, according to sources who saw the website before it was taken down, it listed users' Grindr pseudonyms, passwords, their personal favourites (bookmarked friends) and allowed them to be impersonated, and thus have messages sent and received without their knowledge. At one point, the website also allowed users' profile pictures to be replaced. 2ff7e9595c

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